For this happy client we found markets for the plantation softwood timber, prepared Timber Harvesting plans, found harvesting contractors, completed the harvest, did the site preparation and arranged and supervised contract planting. The next crop of trees is available for the client's children to enjoy and profit from.
The client was provided strategic advice about the planning framework and its relationship with forest certification of private native forest in NSW.
Provided, installed, and maintained a certifiable and integrated chain of custody system for Eco Timber Group, who supply certified and recycled timber to the renovator market from their beautiful showroom at 418 Burnley St. Richmond, Victoria.
Native forests provide many and varied benefits for society and the forest owner. Our consultant has extensive experience in multiple use planning for native forest including fire management. He has intimately involved in the development of the East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreement including the satisfaction of extensive biodiversity and conservation targets.
We will do the best we can to help you grow your trees and business
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